Another Beast from the East

The horizontal snow flurries today landed on the ground looking like miniature polystyrene beads. They were blown into the crevices between the cobbles and along the verges of the paths making the dullest roads more attractive.

Routine is all very well but can get very boring if it’s repeated every day. Because I am anxious not to slip on untreated pavements, I tend to walk the same well trodden route around the city centre which is not only skid free but largely absent of pedestrians but the blips seem to be similar day after day.

Yesterday evening, I was relaxing with my knitting and hoping to ‘Finding Alice’ on the tele when there was a massive power cut and the world became perfectly dark; no street lights, no traffic lights, no internet and no phone signal.
Rarely does one experience such a total blackout in the city. By feeling my way cautiously like a blind person to where I knew there was a torch and also finding a head torch and a candle, I was able to continue with my knitting until l reckoned it would be bed time. However I never did ‘Find Alice’, and the power suddenly came on after 45 minutes. It says a lot that the highlight of my day yesterday was a Power Cut.

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