Not forgetting the Chaffinch

This morning we carried out the RSPB Birdwatch, the first time we have been here to do it for a few years. We were pleased that most of our regulars turned up, including Blackbirds, Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits, Siskins, Greenfinches and many more. The Pigeons were around, so were the Jackdaws and a Collared Dove. Our Robin came along and we lost count of the Sparrows - we guessed at 20, but it was probably more. And at the last minute the Woodpecker arrived. Results have been sent in. 

In the afternoon we had a family Zoom meeting. Grandad had organised a Greyhound Race Meeting through some software. No betting, just choosing a couple of dogs and watching the race and points given. Excellent fun. Then Ella, the nine year old, proved to have become a Zoom expert and taught the rest of us several tricks. The collage in Extras shows her playing with the virtual hats when she found she was without a hat, essential headwear for a Race Meeting. She showed her Aunt how to put on a virtual hat, then she played on her Ukulele and then showed us how to send messages and generally mess about with the screen. I hope she doesn't do this during her online lessons! 

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