He wasn't happy

The phrase 'its boring' is a frequent one at the moment, although normally followed by getting stuck in to whatever has been declared so terribly dull. They had a very (very) wet, muddy walk whilst I worked.

I've now re-written the latest assignment three times, its improving but is always coming out the se way, so I'm going to have to stick with it as is and hope for the best. The last assignment was due in yesterday by midnight, I'd already submitted mine but there were many messages flying around from those who were up against the wire, one who hadn't even proofed theirs- my writing is so bad that it has to be proofed, many times...

It's hard spending the day stuck in the office, but I love all the little visits I get through the day and cups of tea brought in to keep me going. 

Today I'm grateful for
Another running challenge... a friend has challenged me to get to 200km by the end of January, I have 5k to do tomorrow and will complete that challenge!
End in sight for the assignments, because, frankly, I'm bored of them right now and want to spend some time with the boys and husband (and clean the house properly)
Cups of tea, carried to the top of the stairs by the husband and brought in my either of the boys, with  smile and a refusal to leave without a kiss. 

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