
By ayearinthelife

Feed the Birds

.....but this little lot was definitely not tuppence a bag!
Returned from my walk yesterday to discover that the FedEx van I’d seen looking lost at the end of our road on my way out, had in fact been looking for our house to drop off three extremely heavy cardboard boxes. When I unpacked them this morning, I found it was all sorts of bird food. There was so much that I couldn’t actually fit it in the same photo. It certainly doesn’t all fit in the big plastic tub that normally holds the bird food, so it is to be hoped the mice cannot climb on to the work surface and get into the (admittedly tough) bags that are being stored there until such time as they can be moved into the tub.
As all Mrs C’s usual bird feed suppliers are currently closed due to the lockdown, she had to go online instead. It seems they deal predominantly in large bags, so the decision was made to get a year’s supply in one go! I am assured that although it was expensive, it was still less than we’d spent at the supermarket this week. Decided it would be churlish to point out that this week’s supermarket shop had been twice the normal cost due to a lot of household items needing to be bought along with the normal food items.
One of the delights of last years lockdown was being able to see the great variety of birds (and other wildlife!) that came to visit the multitude of feeders in the garden. Given the amount of food we now have available, I’m expecting even more visitors this spring!

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