
By ayearinthelife

Somebody’s Watching Me

Mrs C and the pigeon eyeing each other up, whilst the swan looks on curiously and I take a photograph of it all. Hard to say who was watching who really!
A slow start to today. We’d stayed up until 2am watching trashy films, and consequently didn’t wake up until after 10! Decided to make the best of a bad job so had an early lunch/brunch in order to accommodate a longer walk this afternoon.
Very pleasant wandering around Kendal. Busy on the canal and river paths but reasonably quiet elsewhere. Stopped off for a coffee halfway round and must have timed it just right as there was no queue, although the assistant said it had been quite busy earlier.
We’re not supposed to be socialising but we encountered quite a few people we knew - one couple twice as they were doing roughly the same route as us but in the opposite direction! - and it really would have been churlish not to say hello and enquire after their health. And I do think that as long as you keep a safe distance apart, and don’t stand there chatting for hours, then a few minutes exchanging pleasantries surely can’t be that bad, can it?
In the end, we were out for almost four hours and covered 9K. We weren’t actually going that slowly, but there were several stops just to look at the scenery or wildlife and appreciate what was around us.

Oh, and not forgetting the coffee stop and those few socially distanced chats of course!

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