
By pipnat51


A shorter walk today and from the back door too, so it was definitely local lol. Taking us around the village before heading back for tea and toasted teacakes.
We hadn't gone very far before we passed by a house being renovated by a friend. It is his property and he is doing a lot of the work himself since leaving his job last year. It's looking very nice too and he was outside working so of course a chat ensued. His plumber can't work at the moment due to his parents testing positive so J might have a bit more on his hands the next ten days or so.
Afterwards we continued past the church and into the newish development off the Armscote Road. It took us past some stables and paddocks where this gorgeous horse watched us from over a fence. We went across to say hello and he, maybe she, nuzzled the camera, which might have been a request to take their picture.I obliged before we carried on.
Past the rest of the houses, which is always interesting to see what people have been up to, and then on to Moss Lane before heading across the village green and making our way home.

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