A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Apple of My Eye

Our dear one appeared for a snack just when we were leaving for grocery shopping. Donned with scarves, boots and winter coats we stood in the dining room watching Blipzen graze sunflower seeds and peanuts. He’s definitely a ground feeder like many of our feathered friends • I chose this photo taken with my phone because of the apple piece in his mouth. He even sipped water from the heated birdbath. After 45 minutes he made his way to the walkway so I slowly opened the storm door trying not to scare him but attempting to move him along, away from the road towards the cherry tree. That’s exactly what he did, watched us as we headed to the car. Then, with his white tail erect, he turned and hurdled his way into the woods, not slowed a bit by a full tummy • After groceries we stopped at the river for a few minutes to enjoy an eagle soaring overhead, otherwise, gulls were the only attraction • The “big” storm is now tracking out to sea, so we are both delighted and relieved! • Stuffed peppers are on the menu for dinner. Haven’t decided what the stuffing is yet...

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