Wallabies Enjoy Sunshine

A fairly breezy day, but calm tonight.  A beautiful sunny morning, and then the odd shower passed in the afternoon and evening.  Brrr, right cold.

Up early, and spent the morning puttering about the house.  Niece Elise was at her dad's, so we met up and headed out for a walk to Minn beach.  I got a new Shark vacuum cleaner for my birthday, so did a deep clean in the bedroom this afternoon. I'm disgusted by the amount of dust and grime it's sucked up!  I'll enjoy vacuuming more now :)  Met friend Julie for walkies before teatime.  A lazy evening at home, might manage another walk.  Happy to report no new Coronavirus cases today, although NHS Shetland tell us to remain vigilant.  I'm sure we'll have more cases to come from the Busta cluster. 

As you look down from Elise's dad's house, you spy an Australian flag flying, as you approach, you spot emus, goats  pigs and wallabies.  Dave Kok owns the animals here, and he's originally from Tasmania. I've Blipped these wallabies before, but they usually are hiding, not today. There was six out playing in the sunshine, but sadly didn't come to talk, unlike the horrible emus, that fluffed up at the arrival of Sammy.  Taken at the Outpost, Meadows Road, East Burra. 

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