
By ayearinthelife

Can You Feel the Force

We encountered this structure during a short walk around Sedgwick and Sizergh this afternoon. Not exactly snappily titled - “Force Falls Fish Pass” - I suppose you could at least say it does what it says on the tin! The picture cannot really convey the strength of the falls on the right but the series of calm pools and shallow “steps” on the left should certainly ensure even the frailest of salmon can safely make their way upstream. Of course, if they do make it upstream they’ve still got the otters to contend with, but that’s nature for you!
Mind, it was damn cold out this afternoon. We’d had a short snow shower in the morning and though it had all gone by the afternoon, the cold breeze and icy conditions underfoot remained. Still a very pleasant walk though, and we’re off to a good start as regards our goal of doing some sort of measurable physical activity every day this year.

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