
By ayearinthelife

I’m In Love With My Car

......especially this particular aspect of it. Awoke this morning to find it had snowed overnight. But we had to go out, because there was no food in the house. Normally, a combination of BMW and snow results in a lot of spinning wheels, no forward motion and an almost inevitable slow slide into a solid object. Factor in a steep drive, a steep road out of the estate, not a hint of any salt on the roads and this time last year we’d have resigned ourselves to walking to the supermarket and then struggling back home laden down with shopping.
But not this year. Mrs C’s car was changed this year and she insisted that the replacement had BMW’s permanent four wheel drive system - XDrive as they call it.
I thought I’d felt it working on a wet motorway back in September but today was a proper test.
Except.....it all proved to be a bit of an anticlimax! Backed up the drive no problem, negotiated the snowy slopes out of the estate without a hint of drama and then we were on to the roads which had been gritted and were therefore clear. Coming back home, I tried to provoke it into losing traction but it just wasn’t having it. Sure, you could feel the system shuffling the power to whichever wheel(s) had the most grip, but forward progress was uninterrupted.
Not sure it would have been the same story if I’d taken my car. A RWD convertible with wide wheels and a lot of power, I doubt I’d have even got halfway up the drive. I do love my car (especially with the roof down in the summer) but today I definitely love Mrs C’s car more!

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