
By ayearinthelife

Ice Ice Baby

Bitterly freezing today - don’t think the temperature has been above zero at any point. Having said that, I went for a walk before lunch and, in the direct sunlight, it felt surprisingly warm. Still spent the afternoon with heating and fire on though!
Tried to go food shopping, but abandoned that idea when we saw the queues. Not sure whether it was people stocking up for New Year or stockpiling in advance of our move into Tier 4. If the former - well there ain’t going to be any parties now, so that was a waste. If the latter - the food shops will still be open, just like they have been through every variation of lockdown this year, so why panic buy? Of course, you might think that if some people had come up to their holiday home, even though they shouldn’t have, and they’re now faced with not being able to travel back home, then they might need to lay in supplies for the next few weeks. You might think that, I couldn’t possibly comment....
Still, that same restriction on travel gives our plumber in Chester plenty of time to fit the new sink. It’s not like we’re going to be visiting any time soon. Every cloud and all that.
Oh well, no use getting worked up about it - can’t change what’s happened now and we will just have to wait it out and hope we get put back into a lower tier at the next review.

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