
By ayearinthelife

Stuck in the Middle

We’re in that weird period between Christmas and New Year. Technically today is a normal working day, but it’s just after the Xmas Bank Holiday and only a couple of days before NYE. Schools are closed so a lot of people take these days as annual leave. It’s probably even more marked this year due to the numbers working from home at the moment. Unfortunately, for most of the population, there is nothing to do and nowhere to go due to Covid restrictions. You get the feeling we’re all just marking time until we either get locked down again or the vaccine starts to have an effect. You don’t want to make plans in case they get cancelled down the line. There are probably a lot of things I could do, it’s just I can’t be bothered to start something if there’s a chance I’ll be stopped from doing it because too many people are catching this virus. As long as going to the gym is possible, then I tend to plan my week around those sessions. If I can’t do that, then it’s running and walking whenever the weather permits. Otherwise it’s just watching rubbish or repeats on TV whilst trying not to keep trotting to the fridge every half hour, looking for something to eat. Fortunately the latter is not as much of a problem now, since all the out of date / gone off stuff was chucked out this morning!
It seems this sense of ennui has infected the technology in the house as well. Mrs C’s iMac took an age to fire up this afternoon and then just froze completely, for no discernible reason. The usual “turn it off, turn it on again” trick had no effect, so she had to abandon what she was trying to do and join me slumped in front of the telly. Let’s hope we see a glimmer of positivity next week, when the festive season is over. But I’m not holding my breath.

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