Another One

I only managed an hour at the lathe today before a lack of feeling in my fingers and toes drove me back inside.
To be honest, I am surprised I managed that long. The snow on top of the ice that nearly had me on my back just going out to the garage should have given a bit of a clue.
Still, I got a walnut box made - far from the bud vase that I had planned.

Instead I decided to take yesterday's mask pictures on a bit of a journey and took a load more of all the small masks we have, processed them and have made an AV show of them.
I surprised myself with one or two of the shots (like the Blip shot) considering they were all taken handheld whilst using a small torch (also handheld).

The soup I threw together yesterday has turned out rather well I must say.

The replacement seal I bought for our (rather elderly) pressure cooker arrived today and is going to have to go back - despite being assured that the seals fill all their large pots it is far too small (so much for a genuine branded spare).

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