And So It Starts

Squirrel had a bit of a melt down before we left this morning - she wanted to stay with Mummy.
That wasn't happening.
Eventually we got away and to distract her - and improve her brother's observational skills - I was teaching them how to read the road and use clues (as well as road signs) to make the drive smoother and safer.
Then we moved on to 'Eye Spy'. We had been warned to Squirrel was a demon at it, and my word she is good.

We stopped at Penrith for lunch and Squirrel ate almost nothing - she was wanting to go home.
That wasn't happening.
There was a comfort stop further on and once again Squirrel wanted to go home.
That certainly wasn't happening.

Eventually we arrived and booked in at the hotel and then heading over to No1 Son's where tea was drunk, gifts handed over and the three granddaughters set to getting to know each other a bit better.
After we had eaten Squirrel was again a bit tearful but that was alleviated somewhat by a video call to Mum and Dad.

Once back at the hotel there was another quick chat with Mum.

Now it is time for bed and hopefully a full night's sleep.

Wish me luck.

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