
We had a hearty breakfast of leftovers, rather than our normal healthy option today before tidying up the dining room and putting away the ‘good’ china, a wedding present!!! 

We met up with R, S and Olive for a walk along the Lincoln end of the Fossdyke. There were lots of people out with their dogs. It was not too cold, but really windy. Most enjoyable:0)

When we got home Amber wasn’t well. Initially we thought that she was cold as she was shaking and didn’t want to eat. She looked as though she was going to vomit, but didn’t, just lay on the floor and moved about as though she was in pain. 

We rang the out of hours vets and was asked to take her to the vetinary hospital in Lincoln. When we got there just after 6pm we rang their number and someone came out to get her. We were asked to wait in the car until we were contacted. They were very busy and at 8.30 I rang to find out what was happening. It was after 9 before the vet rang to say that she had seen her and got consent to do various tests and give her pain relief. I suggested that we went home as we were rather hungry and cold. It was after 11 when the vet called us at home. Amber is more comfortable and will stay with them for the night. 

It is now approaching midnight and bed calls. Hope our little girl has a comfortable night and is her bouncy self in the morning. 

What a day !!!

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