A Covid Christmas

A windy day, mostly dry in the morning.  Heavy showers and rain in the late afternoon and evening. 

Up early, and a lazy morning in the house.  I finally got out walkies with Sammy, and fell in a muddy hole!  Some Christmas telly, before heading to Madeline's for Christmas Dinner.  A quiet night at Madeline's, with some Christmas drams.  Spoke with mam too.  I'll finally get my presents opened later this evening.  

It sure has been a different kind of Christmas.  I am missing seeing aunts and uncles, especially elderly aunts and uncles.  The Christmas Dinner was as good as other years.  Madeline and peerie Brian did most of the cooking, with me helping take things out the oven, and carved the turkey.  Melon for starters, and then ate too much to end up with.  L-R - Peerie Brian, Big Brian and Madeline, at their home, Berry Road, Scalloway.  

Merry Christmas to all Blipfoto members, and beyond.  Aa da best for a better year in 2021.

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