A different Christmas

We had a lovely afternoon in #2 daughter’s garden, exchanging presents and then going for a walk to the beach. The children took their new bikes (Ella and Nathaniel) and grown up scooters (Thomas and James), our presents to them. Last year the boys got bikes.

The daughters bought us electric blankets that we can use outdoors in the gazebo so we were totally cosy.

My friend Chris was carted off to hospital yesterday, having slipped in the field and broken her leg. Luckily Ailie was with her. Because there was only a kissing gate into the field, the ambulance people had to get the mountain rescue to come to get the stretcher over the top. She’s out of hospital now but has gone to stay with Rose who has an en-suite downstairs room. Chris’s house is a Victorian terrace with steep stairs. Rose is very practical and is also a doggy person so will look after Poppy and Rex too. What rotten luck.

We couldn’t share in the family Christmas dinner but we know we are so lucky to have been able to spend time with our family albeit outside at this special time.

We are en route home where we’ll eat Xmas crap snack food and drink wine and watch Motherland which the daughters know we’ll enjoy.

I hope you have all had a good day even if it’s not been the best Christmas ever.

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