The fly past

I was out with the dogs early this morning as I was getting ready to start my journey north again. It was very cold and initially there was very little movement on the Thames as we walked briskly along. I took several pictures of the coots and Canadian Geese gathering along the opposite river bank, probably hoping for some food from the occupants of the houses whose gardens line the water's edge. Suddenly I heard a noise across the water but by the time I got myself organised this was the only shot I got of a large skein of geese which had decided to head for the more populated part of the river nearer the town. It was an awesome sight and sound so although it is not a great shot I was well pleased to get it. If you can view in large you will see the sapes better.

Once packed up, the dogs and I bade farewell to the boys and my daughter and set off northwards as their half term is coming to an end. My son-in-law has been in the US on business for the week and it will be good for them to have a little family time with him before the boys are back to school on Monday. It has been a wonderful, if very busy, week and I now look forward to the next time. The journey was fairly long and arduous as the traffic was heavy but I made it safely to my sister's in Lanarkshire Lancashire for a couple of days before the final leg home.

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