Lali's World

By Lali

Light through the gate

I liked this gate. This image makes me think of hope, of new things happening, good things. If I go through that gate and keep walking I'll find something good at the end... that's how it makes me feel!

Today I took a different route to go to work, because I'm getting a bit bored with the two routes I already take every day, and I can't find anything exciting to photograph in them anymore.. It was a nice change!

Work was busy. We were having already some Irish visitors coming to Scotland to see the Ireland-Scotland rugby game on Sunday. I expect we will have lots of them tomorrow at work! I need to practice my Irish accent, hahaha!

Yes, unfortunately, working this weekend! So, having a quiet night in, since I have to get up early tomorrow for work.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and stars on my blip yesterday! You sent me to Spotlight! :)

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! :)

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