
I took this picture of this woman walking up the stairs, and I thought that the bright red colour of her jacket would look great with a black and white background.

It was a cold day, and work was reasonably busy.

I was invited to a birthday party this evening, but I couldn't make it because I had a few things to do and, on top of that, I'm feeling rather tired after a long day at work.

I had a nice surprise when I got home, by the way! This entry has been selected to feature in the Blipfoto's See Us Project exhibition, the book, or both. The funny thing is that, if you read my write up, at the time I said that this photo would not win me any prizes, hahaha! Surprises in life indeed! I have to write a nice paragraph for it now!

Other than that my day has been pretty normal.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my blip yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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