Friendly Robin

Thank you for the good wishes for our stay in Keswick. Decided on a morning walk as the forecast was for light rain. We walked from the house up Walla Crag with murky views back to Keswick. Thank goodness for decent waterproofs. We were going to descend via Ashness Bridge and back via the lakes shore. However opted for the steeper descent via Cat Ghyll to get out of the blustery conditions. Just had to be careful of slippery rocks.

Towards the bottom I stopped to take some photos of the cascading water. As I stood on the bridge I became aware I was not on my own! A Robin joined me and hopped to within touching distance. It made my day.

Met very few people until we dropped onto the lake shore.

Back to a warm house, hot baths and several cups of tea.

A grand day out.

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