Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

In the Snowy Woods

This is actually my Santa glitter lamp and, as almost always, it looks better large on the dark background.  There's another color choice for my blip in the extras along with a picture of the whole lamp.  We've had it for many years and somewhere along the way, it lost the light in the top part of the lamp and there's no way to replace it.  Then the motor that swirls the glitter stopped working, but we found that if we invert in once, it takes all evening for the glitter to fall to the bottom.  So it still works and it's still one of our favorite decorations!  Many thanks to Ingeborg for keeping up the Abstract Thursday challenge! :-))

I have 25 more extras to use this year.  I've been rationing them all year and now I have too many.  Next year I'm just going to use them when I want to and run out early instead!

Not a very productive day but I did get my overseas Christmas cards mailed and I'm grateful for that!  I've been reminding myself for a week and now I'm afraid they won't make it in time...another thing I do every year! :-/

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