Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


We haven't had one this color for a while.  It's beautiful, but now I wish I had gotten a red one as well.  I might see if there are any left.  I got an early start with it this year so it bloomed early.  I also have paper whites that I'll probably blip next Friday.  In the meantime, my Christmas cacti are still in full bloom. :-)  Many thanks to BikerBear for faithfully hosting Flower Fridays!

I am grateful to be finished with the bulk of my Christmas shopping!  Only the hard ones are left, but I'm happy that I already got two things for PD that I think he'll really like.  He's usually the hardest, but this year it's Becky.  I have no idea what to get for her.  I still have 2 weeks to come up with a brilliant idea.... :-)

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