Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

You can bet on it ...

Went along to the setup for one of our local mass vaccination centres today. My role was purely humping boxes and doing odd jobs whilst the Docs, nurses and logistics people did the serious stuff. I did fix a broken screen using a piece of elastic cannibalised from a disposable face mask; practical ingenuity is a thing of mine. And I took quite a few pics just to illustrate how much devil there is in the detail.

The first person in the queue got jabbed somewhere in England today; our rollout starts next week.It will be interesting to see if expectations are met.

Had great chats with TGR and Strider tonight. Also did some online Christmas shopping (NOT Amazon - I'm boycotting Besoz) - can't believe it is only two and a half weeks away. But we won't be doing much entertaining, so not a lot of preparation needed for these festivities ...

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