
By ayearinthelife

Sit Down

Spotted this whilst walking along the canal into Chester city centre this morning. Can’t recall seeing it before so wonder if it was previously hidden under undergrowth that has now been cut back. The thick layer of moss on the bench would seem to support that theory. I’m not sure I’d want to sit on it myself but, judging by the discarded cans and fast food packaging all around the area, others are not so fussy. Annoyingly frustrating shopping experience though today - couldn’t find any of the books or CDs I was after.
The washing machine delivery was at the earlier end of the time slot we’d been given and the guys were in and out within 10 minutes but it was still too late to head home afterwards (if we wanted to be back in daylight) so we’ll be spending another night in Chester and heading back tomorrow morning. The delivery guys were not entirely happy about the two flights of stairs up to our apartment but didn’t seem to struggle too much. And once they knew the old machine they were taking away was beyond repair, they virtually threw it back down the stairs!
Given that we weren’t dashing back, I was able to see mum for a bit. Not having been for a month due to lockdown, I was expecting a long “to do” list. As it happened though, it was only a couple of light bulbs to replace and a small chest of drawers to “repair”. I’m good but I’m not that good and, when something has actually split in half, even I have to concede repair is not an option. Said I’d look for a suitable replacement (and build it up if necessary) but a quick trawl around the the likes of B&Q proved fruitless. Not sure where else to try so she might have to wait until after Xmas until I can sort it.
Plumber finally able to confirm a date to connect up the new washer (and replace kitchen sink) but it’s not until 23rd. Later than I hoped for but at least it’ll be done for Christmas.

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