
By ayearinthelife

Squeeze Box

The kitchen in our Chester flat is small at the best of times. When you’ve had a new washer dryer delivered there, it becomes a real juggling act trying to access everything. No point in unwrapping it or trying to push it into position as the sink is being replaced in a few days so it would just have to come out again. As it stands, we can open every door and cupboard with a bit of juggling, but only if there is just one of us in there! There has always been a bit of a shortage of worktop in that kitchen and it is, perhaps, worrying to note that the top of the box has already been pressed into service to put things on!
Back home to Kendal this afternoon and a bit of a mystery. A Christmas card was waiting on the mat but, when we opened it, there was no clue as to who had sent it. It was correctly addressed, posted locally and from someone who supports the British Heart Foundation, but I didn’t recognise the handwriting on the envelope so have posted pictures on Facebook to see if anyone comes forward to claim they sent it!
A tardy departure from Chester means we weren’t back in time to do the usual weekly food shop, so tea tonight is whatever can be found at the back of the freezer / cupboards. Oven chips and tinned tomatoes it is then!

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