Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Caught in a sunbeam

I went to the market to get the fish. Sadly the sweet little mussels called moules de buchot are over. I tried some moules de Camargue. They don't have the same sweetness and are all shell so I will probably not bother next week. It has been a bright, cold day so we decided to take advantage of the slight relaxation of the rules and walk to Fillols over the the vieux col, a steep 20 minute climb and descent but which cuts two kilometres off the route and was good lung busting exercise. We were back after two hours in time for lunch. I caught Mrs TT in a sunbeam which I have fiddled with a little for dramatic effect. I sat out in the veranda with my book after lunch but as soon as the sun dipped below the mountain I had to retreat inside as the temperature plummeted.

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