Nort Lochend

A frosty morning, and frosty again tonight.  Flat calm all day, mostly clear skies, with some cloud passing over.

Up early, and headed out walkies after breakfast.  We popped along Madeline's for a cuppa too.  Met mam and Laura for lunch, and then we headed for a walk at Maywick beach.  Reestit mutton soup and bannocks for tea tonight.  Met friend Julie and Keba for walkies this evening.  Feet up now.

We stopped off on our way to the beach.  This was once a happy home, and has Happy memories for mam.  Mam lived just down the road, and used to come stay here were granny's best friend and family came to stay.  They used it as a holiday house, until the late 1960s, early 1970s.  Mam used to stay overnight at times too.  The house has been an abandoned ruin for about 50 year, but we noted today the recent works going on.  There's a new chimney going in, and they have revealed the old flagstone paving outside.  I don't know who or what the plans are, but I'll be keeping an eye on this project.  It gives hope to the many more old croft houses I've recorded over the years.  Taken in the Maywick Road, North Lochend.  

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