Cushions - not curtains
Another broken night - self-inflicted. I was fully awake after 6 and switched about swimming, 2 deg outside. But I did go and cycled as well. Strangely it seemed warmer than yesterday. Lack of wind. The pool was busy with slow swimmers, inc Mr Stripey Shorts.
Then out for coffee with L, to the cafe at the Golf Range. Good catch up and the long walk home.
Then another afternoon of frittering away time. I fed the birds/squirrels and cut back some more plants and I found some usable apples. Tried to sort the RBS form for #3 son and also decide on food for Christmas. We will be 4.
Couple of calls, one of which was kind of one step forward, one back then at 6 I finally got to the task of the day - I made 2 cushion covers and sorted, yet again, a curtain, last time.
Now watching the programme about the 1918 pandemic. We were always told my great grandfather died in 1918 of 'Spanish Flu'. His death certificate didn't confirm and it was correct. He died before the pandemic reached Scotland. It's not really cheering me up, not are the plans of friends, though I should be kind and not judgemental. Hard in the current circumstances.
F2F - 4
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 0
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