Capital adventures

By marchmont

A Good Day

to be alive day - to quote Lady F.  

As usual, up at 2 mins to 8 and then shower, dress, cycle and in the water by 8.28 - followed by a good swim.

Home to do some stuff on the PC and then some more chopping back in the garden.  It was such a beautiful day - sunny and mild.  Chopped back another couple of bushes and then headed off to Newington on the bus.

Deposited some donations to a charity shop, then a walk down the road to collect one cross stitch put in two more for framing.  

The sun gladdened my heart.  I felt so much better than yesterday. Getting out is good for you.

Willow is proving to be very interesting as she extends her range.  She uses the pond for water but submerges her paw and then licks the water off that.  Later, in the afternoon, she and one of the young foxes met.  The fox was fascinated by Willow.  Willow was slightly less interested.  They tangoed around the garden with Willow chasing the fox and then vice versa, though it looked like the fox was just trying to play. Both of them ended up on next door's shed roof at one point.  Also in the garden there were the usual squirrels, tits, blackbirds, chaffinches and possibly even magpies - a fascinating nature watch.

Late afternoon a College meeting and then I finished the filing (yay!) and started making two cushion covers. Tonight it's the last choir rehearsal of this term.  

Been a smiley sort of day.

F2F - 7
Phone call - 1
Virtual - 2

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