
By ayearinthelife

Lido Shuffle

A pretty full day considering we’re still in lockdown. Mrs C was up early looking for otters down by the weir and after she returned, I went for a run to take advantage of the morning mist burning off and the sun coming out. I encountered dunkyc running in the opposite direction, and it’s a measure of how much quicker (and younger!) he is than me that he completed the remaining 4K of his run in roughly the same time it took me to to do my final kilometre and short cool down jog!
Still restless after lunch so suggested a trip out to God’s Waiting Room (aka Grange-over-Sands), ostensibly for a walk along the prom, but also secretly hoping that Higginsons pie shop would be open. The good news - it was, the bad news, they were obviously starting to close up. No pies on display but a quick enquiry resulted in a beef pie being made available! Looking forward to that for tea tonight.
Had a very pleasant stroll along the Prom and around the town, getting back to the car just as it was getting dark. Picture is of the old Lido which closed in 1993 after being open for 61 years. Various schemes have been put forward to resurrect it, and though there were boards saying £2M had been allocated to stabilise the structure so it could be made accessible, there was no evidence anything had been done, in spite of a proposed completion date of December 2020. No doubt another victim of Covid. Given that there has obviously been a lot of work done on the rest of the Prom, it would be a shame if this “light restoration” could not be completed, so let’s hope there is some positive activity next year.

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