
By ayearinthelife

Higher Ground

Taking advantage of the continuing dry weather, we went somewhere I’ve been meaning to go for years - the Claife Viewing Station on the far side of Windermere.
Unlike the peak of a normal summer, a winter’s day in lockdown meant there was hardly anyone about and we were able to enjoy the views at our leisure. It must have been a superb place in its day, with floor to ceiling windows looking out over the lake. These windows had different colour glass in them, with the idea being that you could admire the view in assorted ways - dark blue for a moonlit effect, orange for an autumnal feeling, etc. The present day iteration of the building (owned by the National Trust since the 1960s) has framed the windows with some of this glass so you can get an idea of what our Victorian ancestors would have seen.
Took a wander down to the ferry afterwards and was surprised to see it running as normal. Not exactly rushed off their feet with passengers though - only one chap on a pushbike boarded while we were there, though as we walked away a car sped past obviously hoping to make the sailing and avoid a twenty minute wait for the next one. We did toy with the idea of going back that way but, at £5 a pop and not being allowed to get out of the car (or even wind down the windows), we decided to take the leisurely (long) route home. I mean, it’s not as if we had anything planned for the rest of the day!
Really enjoying visiting all these touristy places during lockdown. Plenty of time to fully appreciate the sights without having to contend with the tourist masses. And as Cumbria falls into Tier 2 after next week, I suspect there will be quite a few more places we will be able to go in December, to savour in glorious solitude.

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