The Finches

The finches continue to crowd the bird feeders even as we take away more and more of their 'cover'. I'm pleased to say that the brown wall is slowly turning green again, plants we never liked much have been removed or cut way back, and if it weren't for the debris covered lot that was once our neighbor's house, it would feel almost normal. But as I have said many times, there really is no such thing as normal. This little finch had just had a bath and sat at its perch at the feeder for a long time soaking up the sun as well as the minimal amount of heat emanating from it today. 

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in America. Until recently all American children were taught about the first Thanksgiving which was presented as an amicable affair between the indigenous people and a group of pilgrims newly arrived from Europe at Plymouth Rock. It is mostly myth for for the pilgrims treated the Native Americans more as servants or slaves than friends, enemies rather than allies. And the main thing they shared was diseases which decimated their populations.

I think the idea of getting together with our families to count our blessings and enjoy each others' company over an epic feast is just fine, but let's leave the Indians and the Pilgrims out of it....

This year the family will gather only on zoom, and the feast will be less gluttonous with just the two of us sitting at the table, but I do think the Covid restrictions and the awful year we are all experiencing have made me more thankful than ever for the blessings we do have. Through all the difficulties of the past year, we have learned the things that are truly important to us, and have enough left over to try and make someone else's 's life a little better..T

This year I am extra thankful for the firefighters from Timber Cove who saved our house. I am thankful for health, for a full stomach and a warm bed and for family and friends.  We even have a little left over to try and make someone else's life better. And, lest we forget...John, whenever asked, simply says 'I'm thankful we got that a**hole out of the White House!'.

If you celebrate, and however you choose to do it... Happy Thanksgiving!

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