Wildwood Mountain VIneyards

I did my best to photograph these colorful vineyards without burned branches in the way, but the logistics are difficult. anyplace high enough to get a shot of the vineyards seems to include burned branches. 

It is cold in the morning, making the idea of arising from bed unappealing, but once up, the sunny, reasonably warm days mean we can all spend time outside. Spike carried his ball around while he followed John around. He is definitely a springer and demonstrated his abilities every time we threw his ball. I spent some time sanding the paint off a table I painted a couple of years ago, then abandoned and then resurrected again after it spent a winter in the rain behind the pump house. I think it is probably going to wind up right back where it started on our porch.

Gustavo and two new guys have been working on the fence outside our bedroom for two days. A lot of time has been spent digging out the burned posts which were buried unnecessarily deep in concrete, filling in the holes, and digging new holes to accommodate  8 foot sections of hog wire. They are also leveling the bed where the fig tree was to make it easier to plant a new fig, plus a persimmon tree. It's nice to think of planting new trees instead of cutting down burned ones.

Back to the soccer field to try for some running dog shots. Not easy.
We are surrounded by fields but many of them are full of broken glass, bits of debris, and wire. Not good terrain for anyone not wearing gloves and boots!

On the way home I noticed the trunk of a healthy looking tree which had been methodically drilled by some bug. I put the picture in extras in hopes that it qualifies for Tiny Tuesday.

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