...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

2 years. Our little boy is two years old today.

It has been an amazing year watching him grow from a a babbling, crawling baby to this little person that he is today. He is a bright, sweet, funny, and independent little boy. Every minute with him is a blessing and a journey that we wouldn't change for anything.

I decided to use a family picture for today's blip...because while we are mostly celebrating Miles Dean...I think we should celebrate our whole family. We made it another year together. Mitch and I try really hard to be good & patient parents and it's not always perfect, but we do our best.

Miles had a fun birthday. His friends sang happy birthday at circle time and then we picked him up from school early with a special visitor...Hurley!! All of his friends were really excited to play and pet Hurley and he was a very good a patient dog. Mimi, Grandpa C & Nana joined us for dinner and dessert and he even got to skype with Grandpa Mike in Kansas and Grandpa & Grandma Soukup in Nebraska. Cheers to another great year...and many more!

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