...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles is 3 years old today.
We have a 3 year old. That is just crazy! The time has flown by and he is growing up so fast. Too fast! But we love to watch him grow up. A few things about Miles at age 3:
- His two favorite things are trucks and books
- He loves movies...and completely zones out every Friday night during movie night
- He likes to play 'football' and run and do spin moves and then fall to the ground
- He is NOT a morning person...just like his mama
- His favorite food is still anything breakfast (fruit, yogurt, waffles)
- He loves music and recognizes all of mama's favorite songs
- He is a very caring kid...and very aware of people's emotions
- He has a temper! And doesn't have a lot of patience...
- We think he is very smart
- He can memorize books after only being read them a few times
- He can spell and write his name
- He's very curious.
So there it is, we have a sweet, smart, fun and challenging 3 year old :)

We had a great day celebrating him. He went to school for a few hours in the morning before coming home to play with Grandpa Greg and then take a nap. When he woke up he got to make his own pizza and have dinner with GG and Memaw, Gpa C and Mimi and Nana before opening presents. He was spoiled as usual and even got his very first car...which was a Mini Cooper Power Wheel. When he opened it he said, "Oh wow, this is so cool!" and then took it for a spin up the street...even honking at a couple of girl scouts delivering cookies.
We then had cake and he wanted to watch his new Dinosaur movie from Gpa Greg "with EVERYBODY" while Nana set up a new teepee fort for him.
He is so loved. and so lucky.

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