Post-apocalypse props

For the worst of reasons, I recently found myself in a churchyard with maybe a hundred and fifty other people. For a while we were just waiting, stood in small groups under a low sky amidst flat lands, wearing our masks as the bell started to toll. It wasn't atmospheric, it was beyond that; it was too much, like being in the opening scenes of seventies BBC drama set in a post apocalyptic world.

Generally, I flip-flop between fundamentally accepting this "new normal" such that I sometimes find myself watching a film and wondering why people are touching each other and not wearing masks, and then other times finding it all quite surreal: people queuing outside shops like old photos of rationing but with masks photoshopped on.

A staple of the post-apocalyptic drama is the tatty, outdated poster that predates whatever calamity has occurred. That was my experience, today, walking down to college, past the old police station. This particular poster caught my eye as my friend Bob knows the guys from Ladytron.

-12.3 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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