
A while ago - during that glorious, all-to-brief period when we could actually meet up with people and have dinner - our friend, Janice, recommended Gousto to us, which is one of those firms that sends you the precise ingredients for meals along with a recipe (of course).

The Minx dipped a toe in first and the meals were really, really good, so now I get a couple a week, not least to ensure a bit of variety in Dan and Abi's diets. We have had some notable successes and I've meant to post a picture of the more photogenic results but I kept forgetting.

Here you can see one of this week's meals: smoked halloumi tacos with tomato salsa. I only remembered to take a photo halfway through the meal so this is not the presentation view, I'm afraid.

My one reservation with Gousto was around the packaging but, firstly, most of it can be recycled and, secondly, there is no food waste: no more bottles and jars lurking around the cupboards and fridge for years from which I only ever used one teaspoon for a recipe. On balance, I think it's okay from an ecological perspective but excellent gastronomically.

-11.6 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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