Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Cat Art

Back blip

Friday already.  Where has this week gone?  

Observed two very good lessons this morning.  Very impressed with those two trainee teachers for just their second lesson!   Finished writing up feedback and marking their plans in the afternoon and prepared the trainees for Monday lessons (yes, a bit like being on one of those hamster wheels).  Monday's lessons are unassessed, which usually means unobserved, but not this time. As their first lesson on those online courses must be unassessed, but observed and with feedback (a Cambridge requirement) my co-tutor (aka my boss) has decided that the second unassessed (and last thankfully!) will also be observed. So Monday will be 4 x 20' lessons with verbal and written feedback.  So it will be fast and furious.  Or not ;-)  

Walk out with Bb in the evening.  My steps have been a bit down on last week, but still not tooooo bad and finished with about 14,000 steps. My blip is of the window display for a shop called, I think, 'Feline Friends' and although I'm more of a dog person myself, the art caught my eye. 

Dinner was baked potato, cheese, onion and branston pickle.  Much nicer than it sounds.  We've found a 'new' way of baking the potatoes and they come out nicely crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.  Here's the link.   Like the comments on the link, I added more time to the cooking and both times we've had them, they were delicious

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