Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Sunlight at Lunchtime

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The trainees who taught this morning were both 'fine' for their 2nd teaching slot and their first with me.  There was only one instance of 'That threw me a little as C (the other tutor) didn't do that with us'.  Mmm, I know that C does do that and she confirmed that she had done, and with that particular trainee in fact!  'That', was sending a message in the chat box on Zoom during their lesson to help/support/tell them to move on etc. 

I squeezed in a quick walk at lunchtime to get some fresh air and away-from-the-screen time.

Afternoon, I prepped the next trainees for tomorrow, and finished writing up the feedback on today's classes. 

A bit of excitement in the evening when Bb was still on a work video call and our front door bell went. 'The neighbours are all gathering in the street for the meeting', said Ferran, our next-door neighbour.  I peered my head round the door and sure enough I could see a few folk gathering.  'But, it was postponed', said I.  'Yes, I know, but I think Bb may have forgotten to tell everyone'.    Oops!  Quick dash upstairs to check with Bb with the question on a post it note.  Turned out that he had sent an email to postpone it, but had somehow replied to his original email and only he received the message about the postponement.   Ho hum, I asked Ferran to apologise to those in the street and he sent a quick email to everyone else.  

Dinner was pizza from the place that was shut last night and another Great British Bake off, bringing us up to date before the final next week.  

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