Red Squirrel


Morning Sun


I knew I'd be in a hurry tonight as I was due to go out at about 8 for an evening of live music, which I'd really been looking forward to. I also knew I needed to get to a shop lunchtime meaning there'd be no blip time then. So I grabbed this shot of this morning's sun and clouds as a standby, in case I didn't manage to get anything better. Am I glad I did!

On arrival home from work I discovered that there was no sign of my house keys - not in my coat pocket, not in my car, nor my handbag (where I never tend to put them anyway). Despite borrowing a powerful torch from my neighbours and re-checking the car they were nowhere to be found - so I had to use the neighbours' phone to call a 24 hour locksmith to let me in. I'm really glad that I forgot to use the 5 lever lock this morning and only used the Yale - although it was a relatively simple job for the chap to 'slip' the Yale lock it still cost me £114.50 (ouch!) - I dread to think how much it'd have been if the 5 lever lock had been involved! Luckily I had a spare set indoors (and from now on, after what I saw tonight, I think I'll make sure I always use the 5 lever lock too). I'm praying that somehow my keys are in the office when I get to work tomorrow ..... I very much doubt it though .......
It was 8:15 before I was able to get indoors, Tom was leaning over the gate telling me off for his supper being so late, and I'm only now (at 9:15) sitting down with dinner. So much for my night out :(

At least my morning sun blip came in handy after all.
On the subject of music and the Morning Sun .....

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