Red Squirrel


I've Got My Eye On You!


Another busy day, and Tom's monthly feed delivery after work tonight. A's husband was delayed again and late getting here, and so my dinner was late too. I hadn't even thought what to blip today, and realised a short while ago that I had nothing, I have a couple of things planned as stand-by blips, but they really need to be photographed in daylight. So I decided to blip one of the Peacock feathers I have in a carved Indian brass vase. Some schools of thought reckon that it's unlucky to have Peacock feathers indoors, say they're the 'Evil Eye' - but I don't care, I think they're beautiful, so I'll take my chance!

No sign of the missing keys today, despite ringing the supermarket which was the only place I went to yesterday (by car) apart from work. Oh well, if they're meant to turn up they will :(

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