Red Squirrel


Frozen in Time

Camera to hand, off dunging the Red Squirrel went this morning. What a glorious day! Bright blue skies, little cloud, and WARM sunshine! Such a contrast to yesterday .... spring in the offing perhaps? Oh yes, please!
There had though been a heavy frost overnight and the temperature had obviously fallen somewhat below zero by the layer of ice on top of Toms trough - and this little moth had obviously fallen into that water and drowned (or maybe landed on the ice and got stuck). Poor thing, either way .... but at least it has it's 'fifteen minutes of fame', as referred to by the late Andy Warhol, by becoming my blip for today. Little consolation I guess ....
Also on the ice was this bubble sparkling in the sun, and this pair also. This diamond shape in the ice took my eye - and there's a hint of a SP in the pic!

Hope my fellow blippers are having a good weekend! xx

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