Abercorn Park

We've got a new project. You know how Ann likes her little projects. We're going to do an A-Z of Edinburgh parks. X, Y & Z could be a problem? The rules of the project are:
We have to walk to the park (we're not allowed to go in the car).
I have to be Blipped in the park, even if I've had more fun en-route.
If we walk for more than 4 miles to get to the park, we're allowed to get a bus home if we want.
The Edinburgh parks have to be Blipped in strict alphabetical order.
There is no time limit to this project.
Ann makes the rules and if she wants to change them she can.

This morning the sun was shinning and the sky was blue, but the only park that Ann could think of in Edinburgh that starts with an 'A' was Abercorn Park so that is where we went today. Abercorn Park is a very boring park for a bouncy little collie pup like me. It's basically just a small 'square' which takes about 5 mins to walk around. And I had to stay on my lead!

However, I had a lovely 6.75 mile walk to get there, which included lots of run about time off my lead so I was a happy little collie pup.

Jumped on a No 45 bus and came home. When we got off the bus it was really, really cold so as soon as I got into the house I went straight into my bed and curled up for a snooze. Ann was intending going to the gym but as we'd been out for three & a half hours, she couldn't be bothered.  Well we've got to make the most of 'Netflix' haven't we?

I've just been out for another little 20 min trek around the block. It's even colder now. Ann even had to wear her gloves.

….................And now it's Thursday evening so we have 'Songs & Sundowners' to look forward to. It's one of the highlights of Ann's week in lock down!!!!

Happy Thursday Evening Peeps. xxxx

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