Looking for sticks

This afternoon I went to Musselburgh Beach for my walk. There were two reasons for this. Firstly, Ann has been meaning to go there for a while now because she wanted to collect some sticks to make Xmas decorations with and the last time we were there, there were loads. And secondly, as of Friday, it is going to be illegal for us to go to Musselburgh Beach because East Lothian is moving into Tier 2 and as we live in Edinburgh (which is Tier 3) we are not allowed to travel out with our area!!

Digressing slightly........................ Did anyone else see 'Piers Morgan' on TV this morning saying that, 'most people are following the rules.' Seriously?! What planet is he on? We don't know anyone who is following the rules. …..........Including ourselves??!! After all, is it 'essential' for us to drive to the beach to go on my walk? No it's not! In proper lock down, the only time when Ann went out in the car, was once a week when she did a supermarket shop for herself and a friends mum. I didn't actually go in the car for a whole three months!!! And we wouldn't have dreamt of jumping on a bus if we got tired on a big long walk, but that's what we did on Sunday. Personally, Ann thinks that all these half hearted measures are exactly that....................... half hearted. A friend from Cornwall, has just had to cancel her visit to come and stay with us on 6th December because we think it's extremely unlikely that we will be allowed to have anyone else in the house?!! She's changed her flights to the beginning of March, but the way things are going, do you really think things are going to be any better then? Let's face it. Everyone is going to be seeing their friends & family over Christmas, whether they're allowed to or not. So come the end of January, the whole half hearted lock down process will begin all over again??!!!

Anyway today has been very rainy but fortunately for the 50 mins that I played on the beach the rain stayed away. Unfortunately all the sticks that we found were absolutely soaked so Ann threw them all on the balcony while she decides what to do with them. I wasn't very good at collecting sticks. Every time Ann picked up a stick I wanted to play with it, instead of putting it into her bag. Mmmmmm..................... Ann's cleverer than me so she devised a very clever cunning plan................. Every time she saw a stick that she wanted, she picked up another one first. Obviously I stole the stick off her and ran around with it, which gave her the opportunity to pick up the stick she wanted and put it into her bag while I wasn't looking.

We both had a lovely time on the beach but now the evening stretches ahead of us, like every other evening.............................


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