Buckstone Park

….................Continuing on with our 'A-Z of Edinburgh Parks'. This is 'Buckstone Park'. To walk there and back was just over 5 miles and took us about one and a half hours.

Oh and if anyone is interested; Ann went to the gym before we did this walk, so she's now up to 'week 4' of the 'couch to 5K' thingy. She's doing it on the treadmill and is now able to run 16 mins out of a 31 min programme. Is that progress? Who knows?!!

There wasn't much at 'Buckstone Park'. It's pretty much just a field with a kiddie play park in the middle. I didn't care though because I'd walked up the secret path to get there and the secret path takes us through a woody area where there are loads of squirrels that need chasing. ..........Oh and has anyone else noticed that squirrels don't hibernate these days? It's November. When Ann was a little girl OK that was a long time ago squirrels went into hibernation in October and then one didn't see them until March. Maybe it's got something to do with 'global warming'. Whatever global warming is??!!

On our return route home we walked through Fairmilehead Park & Braidburn Valley Park so I had lots of off lead run about time today.

…...................And here we are again.......................... Friday evening. At least my human has Coronation St & EastEnders to watch tonight.

See you all tomorrow.

Toodles. xxx

Abercorn Park

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