What we did today..................

Went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' at 8am for an hour. Going to the park at that time in the morning is actually quite stressful for my human. There's loads of mummies and little people on their way to school and loads of people on bikes whizzing through on their way to work. Ann is constantly having to keep hold of me while they zoom past in case I run in front of them and cause a nasty accident. Not the most enjoyable walk in the world!

Breakfast while we watched another episode of 'The Crown'. Ann's loving Netflix!

Home alone snooze time while Ann went to 'Mortonhall Garden Centre' to have a coffee with a friend. Except she couldn't have a coffee with a friend because the rather snooty assistant said that all the tables were booked. Ann's all for social distancing and all that, but seriously the cafe there is pretty big but they only seemed to using about a quarter of the tables.

The humans went to the 'Cobbs Coffee Shop' at 'Craigdon Mountain Sports Shop' instead. But what has happened to all the 'Track & Trace' info that people are supposed to be leaving? TBH, since we came back from St Ives on Sunday 25th October, Ann has only been into one coffee shop, but she had to leave her name and contact details. Nobody asked us for any details today. And we have to say; the 'English Track & Trace App' seems far superior to the Scottish one. When we were in St Ives, everywhere we went, Ann had to scan us in. We don't have to do that in Scotland and as far as we can make out, the Scottish App will only notify us if our phone has been in contact with someone else's phone who has tested positive. 'Cobbs Coffee Shop' was operating a 1m rule so Ann & her friend were sitting opposite each other at a smallish table. Ann's friend hasn't got a smart phone so if either of them get COVID their phones won't know. And also, Ann still thinks both of them would have been far safer just going to each others houses for a coffee and sitting a lot more than 2m away??!! But they can't do that because it's against the rules!

After coffee, Ann went to Aldi and did a shop and then went to get petrol so by the time she got home it was almost 1.30pm and I'd been 'home alone' for more than 3 hours. I was happy. I was just snoozing in my bed. The plan was to have lunch and watch another episode of 'The Crown', Netflix is definitely very addictive, but Ann also wanted to go to the gym and I obviously needed my afternoon walk so she said, 'Trixie, I don't think I've got time for lunch today. If I go to the gym now, you can come with me and then we'll have time go for your walk before it gets dark.'

Oh and for those of you who will say; do the dog walk first and then go to the gym.................... NO......................... that doesn't work because Ann gets tired doing the dog walk, so then she abandons the gym, but if she goes to the gym first, it doesn't matter how tired she is................... she always gives me my walks. So that is what we did. This is a Blip of me waiting in the car while Ann was at the gym.

Came home to the news that the FM, Nicola Sturgeon, has put Glasgow into Tier 4 until 11th December. Mmmmmmmm..................... who would ever have thought in March that we'd still be in this situation? Ann cancelled a holiday to Seville at the end of March, she cancelled a cruise in August, and now she's got to cancel 2 nights in Glasgow at the end of the month??!!!

We'd like to say #thingscanonlygetbetter

…..............Unfortunately my human is not feeling very positive at the moment. But at least she has me. And Netflix!!!

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