Thirty No More

By MarkusMeerkat

You can tell when you have children in the house..

.... as your fridge ends up covered in alphanumeric magnets.

We have a nice shiny silver fridge freezer that is taller than me (and I'm 6'2), but we also have a 15month old who is walking now.

So the bottom half (the freezer) is well and truly in his reach, so all of the letters and numbers have migrated north (to the fridge).

This migration was quite messy, and quite frankly is making it very hard to actually put anything (school newsletters etc) on the fridge.

I suspect we are not alone in having fridge magnet dilemmas, but quite frankly (between you and me) I'll probably learn to live with it.

It's not as bad as the dilemma at work, where I sit between a customer (who says what they want), and a supplier (who controls the purse strings). The supplier basically does not have the money for phase 2, but has not told the customer this yet.

So I had to sit in a meeting today where the customer was telling colleagues, how we can incorporate this and that into the next release; whilst I know full well there will not be a next release.

Oh well, they'll get told soon (I hope).

In the meantime, tomorrow I'm off for a refresher fire marshal training course, which means no long commute. Hoorah. I may even get to take a more interesting blip.

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