Who was that masked man ?.....

Dry for a wee while but it didn’t last. Fed cattle then took Littlemiss with me to help wee brother bring in a cow that calved last night as the big dopey bull calf hadn’t sucked . He milked some out the cow but it still wouldn’t suck the bottle so it got 2.5 litres down the stomach tube to fill it up.
Back home then had a go at fixing the seat in the Claas tractor. It has sunk away down again and the compressor won’t pump it back up. Not the fuse so presumed the wires had chacked through inside again . Unbolted it all so I could tip the seat forward to get in to the guts of it , but couldn’t find an obvious break in any wires. Plus I was getting power up to the jack plug .Plus I’m getting as blind as a bat close up in my old age so gave it up as a bad job. Will phone the mechanics in the morning.
This mask came in the post the other morning. It’s from the seed company we have bought our forage and grass seed from for years and features their logo. A very clever bit of marketing in the current climate . Mr Watson never misses a trick !

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