Striding statue......

A busy morning that went vaguely to plan for a change.
Managed to persuade 2 of the 3 bulls still in their field that it was a good idea to come out the gate for a feed of barley. Ran them into the steading and took one to a field of cows next door.
Managed to walk the lame bull and some cows and calves in from another field,swapped him for the other one we brought in and ran them back to the field. The 3 cows that had brought their calves with them were put out to the bull field to keep the remaining bull company.
By now my wee brain was buzzing keeping up with them all !
Left Kev to go down the road to bring a bale feeder back home while I ran Junior into his train at Waverley station.
As it was lunch time I decided to park up at Holyrood (cheaper parking ) and have a walk up the high street and act like a tourist. Stopped off for a hog roast roll then spotted some benches outside Canongate Kirk to sit and eat it while watching the real tourists pass by. Still a lot of shops not open but the usual Scottish tartan tat type and whisky shops seemed busy.
Spotted this statue of Robert Ferguson outside the Kirk. Wasn't aware of who he was until I googled him,but liked the look of the statue anyway.
By the time I walked back to the car it was tipping down ,so back home,on with the coat and leggings and headed off down the road to feed the cows and calves before it got too dark. Back to real life again !

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